brother from another mother


Busy, busy Sunday. This is Beret. He is the exact same age as Memphis and Merlin, and he was the only other collie puppy in Merlin's obedience classes eight years ago. He's a "smooth coat" collie, which explains his short hair.We were going to take the boys on a hike this morning for some photos, but Merlin hurt his foot/leg/shoulder yesterday at the dog park, so he had to stay home and rest. But man, Beret still had an amazing time. Lots of sniffing and running and even getting his feet wet in the river. He's so well behaved, and his moms are amazing with the training. My favorite bit today was learning that while "down" means lay down for our dogs, they use the word "crash." I like that a lot.After the hike, Beret did come over for a few studio shots, and Merlin joined him to say hello in a couple. Man, you would not believe how fluffy he looks next to this guy. He should be the Dyson spokesman.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser