

Spring just flat out skipped us here in Minneapolis. Two weeks ago it was in the 50s and cold and rainy, and today it was 97. Normally, this would really bother me as I dislike intense heat. But today? Today I spent two hours at the DMV in their turbo-air-conditioned waiting room, and by the time I left I was ready to bask in that sun for hours. Seriously, I bet it was 60 degrees in that office, max.So it was a complete anomaly that I was perfectly happy working away in my un-air-conditioned house all afternoon. And tomorrow it's supposed to be just as hot, but I'll be at the office. But don't worry, we installed the window units tonight so the dogs would be comfortable tomorrow afternoon. We wouldn't want those furballs to get uncomfortable, now would we?We also met friends for dinner tonight at Cheeky Monkey over in St. Paul. That place has gotten nothing but rave reviews from me in the past, but tonight they seemed off their game a bit. We still had a good time catching up with our buddies Mandy and Ryan though. And afterward Jamie surprised me with a stop at Izzy's Ice Cream. That place used to be a regular thing for us when we lived in St. Paul -- it is the best ice cream in the Twin Cities. Hell, the world. Yes, I'm saying it. I'm going there.Anyway, that's where the photo is from. My cone is on the left. It's Mexican Chocolate Fiesta with an Izzie scoop (the small one on top) of Brown Butter. Jamie's, on the right, is Chocolate Peanut Butter with an Izzie scoop of Norwegian Chai. You guys.... that stuff is a scoop of heaven on Earth, I tell you.