

This fall has been amazingly busy here at Shuttersmack HQ, and tonight we had a few friends over for dinner that we haven't seen in a long time due to all the work we've had. We made a huge pot of chicken soup (which was unfortunate since it was like 85 degrees outside -- but don't worry, the soup was still delicioius) and had a big salad and a delicious challah. It was good to introduce the gang to Jamie's mom, and it was good to catch up with baby Eero.I haven't really blogged about this, but I gave up sugar back in early August, and I haven't had any since then. UNTIL TONIGHT. Our friends the Petersens brought a blueberry and rhubarb pie, and I was not gonna pass that up. Yup, it was worth it. Holy moly... I could have eaten the entire thing.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser