civic duty


Today was extremely lazy. There was sleeping in, a small amount of picking up the house and a nap. Also, Jamie returned from California, and we ran a few errands (got the Christmas tree!). But we also stopped by our neighborhood community center to weigh in on a new development.Our neighborhood has a small "downtown" area that is cute and quaint and has lots of 2-story old buildings. A developer has proposed tearing down one of the restaurants (not a particularly attractive building) and putting up a big, 5-story multi-unit dwelling for both residential and business purposes. This building would be enormous, and some neighbors are up in arms. The neighborhood council wanted people to stop by, see the plans, talk to the developer, see the protesters' points, and fill out a questionnaire about concerns we might have.Let me tell you, this place was PACKED! Our neighborhood (and I can say this since I live here) is full of liberal, hippy activists (proud resident!) and these people are gonna get their say. Anyway, it was kinda neat to see everyone crowding in, doing what they could to make a difference.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser