cloud nothings


What a lovely Sunday! I had a gorgeous drive back to Minneapolis from the wedding (two-lane highways and Deer Tick playing really loud in the car), and then unpacked and loaded up my man to go shopping for some new winter boots. He *finally* got a solid pair of Red Wings for winter. We have to wait for them to arrive later this week, but man, they are sharp. Then we came home and cooked dinner before heading back out to catch Cloud Nothings in St. Paul.This band was one of my favorites at SXSW this year, and it was their first time in town. Plus, tons of friends were there, and it was just one more day that proved how much I love the Twin Cities. The rest of the week should prove a little quieter compared to this weekend... fingers crossed, anyway.More photos from the concert are up over here. Enjoy!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser