coolest mom ever.


My buddy Ashley had me over to shoot some family portraits this evening, and after the girls were done posing she brought out all these bubble guns filled with colored bubble solution. They didn't have this when I was a kid, and now that I've seen it in action? Even if they did I'm pretty sure I would have never found out. This stuff is MESSY.But man, those girls had a blast. The key was getting them into the house and into the bathtub after the shoot without them touching a single thing in the house, because none of us were sure if the dye would stain or not. What a fun shoot though! Look at the tiny bubbles in their hair!Sidenote: This month has been absolutely insane with work, and frankly, I miss my friends (good thing I love this thing called income). I added it all up, and the last day that I did not work either at my day job or on photos for clients was July 30. Yeah, that's too long. I have a few more shoots to finish up this weekend, but I am declaring Labor Day as work-free for this lady here. Halle-freaking-lujah.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser