date night


Aw man, today was awesome. I slept in, had lunch and a yoga class with Julie, got a little work done around the house and then had date night with my man. We tried another new restaurant in our neighborhood called Tilia. You guys? IT WAS SO GOOD. First off, the decor and atmosphere is awesome. And the bar! The bar! Amazing beer list, super friendly bartender (with an accent!), and Framboise on tap. Yeah, I was a very happy girl.Then? Then we were seated and had a fantastic waitress, saw the mayor of Minneapolis dining nearby (Hey-oh R.T.) and then the food started coming. We opted to try a variety of small plates, and they were all great. But the best? I think it goes to these hot dogs. They are Kobe hot dogs with fresh tomato, dill-pickled cauliflower, bacon, red pepper, mustard and a touch of horseradish. OMG, and two for $10. Amaaaaaaazing. (You can see my man chowing down on one here). And you know what else was good? Besides the fries? And the Brussels sprouts? The dessert. Try pear-spice bundtcake with orange-cardamom glaze frosting. Wow.After the amazing meal, we caught Source Code, the new Jake Gyllenhaal movie. The film was super good until the last ten minutes or so. Yeah. Just leave right before the end, and you'll be pretty happy :). And now there's a big thunderstorm outside and I have a new book to read. What a perfect Saturday.