day six... kindof


Today has been one of those strange ones... This photo is from 1 am last night, but since I didn't get to sleep until my plane took off at 6:30 am, I'm gonna let this count as the photo of the day. I pull one all-nighter every year, and it's always the last night of SXSW. I just need to accept that.The funny thing is, I took almost this same photo exactly one year ago to the day, as we watched John McCauley close out SXSW with Deervana. This year, he closed out SXSW with his new project band, Diamond Rugs. It's a mix up of Deer Tick, Black Lips and ... are you ready for it? Los Lobos. Yeah, it was as fun as it looks.I should have a full photo set to show you from Saturday, but I couldn't seem to get it posted a) because my dogs missed me and wanted a lot of attention today and who am I to deny them b) because my students seem to have mostly put off their midterm project until tonight and were peppering me with questions ALL NIGHT LONG and c) did you hear there was a Kansas game? Yeah? And we won in the very final seconds? It was amazing. And considering we were down THE ENTIRE GAME before that, it is also amazing that I managed to politely and promptly answer all those students. I deserve a medal.Tomorrow I will try to get the rest of my SXSW images posted. My favorite find of the festival, Cloud Nothings, will be in there I promise.UPDATE: Full festival photos are up. Enjoy!Day oneDay twoDay threeDay fourDay five