day three. my feet hurt.


What a day! I spent most of the afternoon working on a fashion-y photo side project (which was fun because it was such a change of pace), but still managed to squeeze in at least 10 bands. I can't talk about the fashion stuff yet, but I'll fill you in soon, I promise.Jamie and I were walking down the street to breakfast this morning, when we heard Lucero. We just turned toward the club, flashed the badges and were in to an empty club with plenty of room up front to shoot and there was Lucero. Good morning! Never in my life did I think I'd see those boys play so early.After that I walked all over for this other project before making it back to the clubs around 7 to shoot Poliça, who were just magnificent (AGAIN). They might have been my favorite band of the day... on a day where I saw Lucero AND Titus Andronicus. Yup. That's Patrick from Titus above. Betcha didn't recognize him since he shaved, eh? Not sure I would have either.For more photos of the day (including Jonny Corndawg and the Jesus and Mary Chain!), look here.Oh! And yesterday's photos were posted this morning, but I forgot to update the blog post. You can get them here.