

I woke up around 7 this morning to start working on all these wedding photos, and I wrapped up the first group around 7:30 pm. Do I know how to party or what? Yeah. So then I figured I should go for a bike ride a) because I needed to stretch my legs and get some exercise and b) I needed a photo for today, and I thought I could shoot something down at the lakes.So I loaded up my camera and hopped on my bike. I got to the lake, found a bunch of lovely sailboats, took out my camera and .... realized I left my memory card at home. D'oh! So I did what any self-respecting independent woman would do, and I called my man. Luckily, he was home and drove a memory card to me so I could get some shots in. And don't worry, I biked back home. I wasn't going to be *that* lazy and hitch a ride. This time.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser