explosions in the sky


Tonight we caught Explosions in the Sky over at First Ave. They are the masterminds behind the music to the greatest television show ever made. See what I did there? I didn't just link to the show, I linked to where you can buy the first season of it, so that if you have made the horrible life mistake of not watching this program, you can correct that right now.Sadly, the concert was not as good as the television program. Now, that's not to say it was bad. It sounded great and pulling off live music with no vocals for more than an hour is tough. They did a fine job. But I was glad it ended when it did (never a good sign if you don't want more). Part of the problem might have also been that I was female -- one of maybe five ladies at the sold out show. Also? I was sober. That, too, might have been a contributing factor for thinking the show was "fine" and not "amazing, dude."I would link to more photos (I did edit a full take), but I didn't like them very much. So this is what you get.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser