falling in love again


Oh you guys, today has been so much fun.I picked this little girl up around 10:30 this morning and brought her home for a loooong walk to tire her out before she met Merlin. It took only one block before she was trained not to pull on the leash anymore (smart girl!) and soon she was sitting at each corner and she was a delight to walk.Then I brought her home and she and Merlin played a little in the backyard, before we retired to the basement for work all day (the contractors have the run of the upstairs, and I didn't want this sweet thing getting in their way). Also? You should see how sweet these men are with Merlin.So we played a little fetch and tug-of-war between grading papers and then I made sure she would lay down in her crate and now Jamie's on his way home and I am SO EXCITED for him to get to spend time with this one. She is such a snuggler and loves to curl up and fall asleep against you, snoring and kicking the whole time.As for a name, we are starting with Magda (a nod to her Vizsla, Hungarian heritage), with the realization that Maggie will likely be her nickname. We aren't finalizing anything until the end of the week though when we know her personality a little more. And I know I try to limit the blog to one dog photo a week, but you guys are just going to have to deal with a bunch this week because ohmygodsheissoeffingcute.Also! I posted a set of photos from Palm Springs :) You can see them all over here. Sigh. What a good time.