

Look at that snow! We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. Behind us is a downed tree in our neighbor's yard -- the snow was so wet and heavy that several large branches were breaking on our block (and you could hear the trees cracking!). It's supposed to keep snowing tonight and all day tomorrow as well. I took this chance to get our whole family together for a holiday card photo.I think I've told you guys how last year we did a holiday card, and we had no photos of any of us together. Sure I had great photos of everyone on their own, but we made a resolution to get more "group" shots this year. I haven't been that good at it, but I wanted to be sure to get one of us in the first real snowfall. I kinda dragged Jamie outta bed for this one, so I can't even guarantee that everyone's teeth are brushed. But who's keeping score, right?We spent the rest of the day making an awesome stew, warming our feet by the fire and catching up on TV. A perfect Saturday.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser