fifth of july cookout


Happy fifth of July! I hope every one of you either took today off or left work early to have a long weekend. I worked about six hours myself on my new website redesign (which hopefully you'll get to see in August), and then we cooked out and had delicious burgers (that one is Jamie's -- his bun is slightly freezer-burned because he's the only one in the family who eats bread, and he only gets the buns out a few times a year -- poor guy...).Now I'm blogging just as fast as I can so we can head out to catch Hangover III at the cheap theater tonight. Holiday weekend full of movies, eh? How else would I roll?Oh! And remember that super fun wedding I shot back on June 21 (my first real day as a freelancer?)? And remember that was the night of that horrific storm? Well I posted a full set of the images over on Rivets and Roses and you can see them all here. Enjoy!