finally eating


Man, we have been having a tough time with this blondie. She has started refusing to eat her food. And since we obviously spoil her rotten, we decided to switch her food (same brand, different flavor) to see if she would eat that. But because this girl has so many issues with her stomach, we have to mix the old with the new, otherwise she barfs it all back up.So we began mixing her food. And this one? She picks out the old pieces and *spits them out*. So all she's ingesting is the new stuff. And, you guessed it, she's barfing it all back up. We have tried everything to get her to eat some of the old food with the new, but she is not having it. So she's barfing up the new food, then barfing up her stomach acid because she's hungry. Are you getting the picture? There's a lot of cleanup going on around here.But today, today she looks to have *maybe* turned a corner. First off, she's stopped spending her days sleeping/moping and started looking for trouble again (and finding some) around the house. For the first time in my life, I am relieved by this. Now if she can just keep her dinner down...