first snow of the season!


This morning I was driving into work in the rain. A few hours later? Yup! Snow! I looked out the window at work and almost squealed in excitement. My coworkers? They are not so excited. In fact, they might even be considered a touch jaded on the topic. Clearly they did not live in Miami for two summers.Anyway, I ran outside and snapped a few quick shots. I know it wasn't the big fluffy flakes that I normally try to capture for you guys, but the first snow is always pretty special to me.Also today? I ripped up a corner of carpet in what will soon become my new office. I haven't had the chance to redecorate a room for myself in a very long time, and we'll just say that with Pinterest around, I am extremely excited. EXTREMELY EXCITED. You can see a bunch of my inspiration over here.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser