

What a cutie, eh? It's been a bit since we had a dog on the blog, and what a good one to come back with. This is ... Luna? She has a sister that is almost identical named Shasta, but I am fairly certain this one is Luna. I have been shooting her family for holiday cards since the start of time (or four years, whatever), and it is so much fun to catch up with them each year. And the two little girls? I think they were about one and four when we started, and now they are ... four and seven? five and seven? Not sure, but they are at SUCH a fun age. It was really fun.And besides seeing these clients today, Jamie and I, um, refinished the hardwood floors in the office. Do we know how to party on the weekend or WHAT? I really, really, REALLY wanted an easy way around fixing up the floors, but the more we talked to Men at the Hardware Store, it became obvious that we needed to just hunker down and do it the right way. So we have been sanding, vacuuming, mopping, and painting on polyurethane like crazy. Oh, and we need to have the windows open to do this because it's stinky. Oh, and it's about 25 degrees outside. No big deal.I just keep telling myself it will be lovely and worth it in the end. Right? Right.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser