

Wow, what a day. This morning I had the very unusual opportunity to shoot a photo of Topher Grace and Dan Fogler. You probably know Topher from That 70s show, or from my favorite movie of his, Traffic (or from cameos in the Ocean's movies... LOVE those). And you might know Fogler from Fanboys... if you're a Star Wars geek like me. And if you're my mother, you have never, ever heard of these people. And that's OK.Anyway, they were in town doing a press junket for their new movie Take Me Home Tonight, and one of my dear editors needed a photo of them after the interview to post on the blog. Why yes! Yes I can do that! Except that my plan was a little foiled.You see, we patiently waited through the video interview, which was like a very charming interview you see on Letterman or something, and then as the actors were getting up to leave my editor introduced himself and asked if we could get a photo for the blog. Now, I am very much a "behind the scenes" person. I like taking the photos and designing the pages and generally working in the background. So I'm quietly waiting and the actors agree to the quick shot and my head is going something like this "Wow, this Topher is taller than I thought... I thought actors were short. And what a nice jacket, and man is he cuter in person than on TV. OK, well I don't want to shoot this photo up at him because that will not be attractive so I should probably ask him to sit, and I might want to adjust my aperture since Dan keeps stepping forward -" And that's when Topher stuck out his hand and said something like, "Hi! I'm Topher. I didn't catch your name?" And then he's shaking my hand and saying my name back to me and all my thoughts about how to get this great photo leaked out of my head. Because I'm thinking "My name is Leslie. My God you're tall and cute and polite. And built just like my husband..." And then I just snapped the photos as fast as I could.Sigh.And the photos are about the least flattering shots of Topher ever taken, and of course I forgot to change my aperture so only one of the actors is in focus in each of the shots. If you want to see him in focus, you can look at the Strib blog over here. Since I wasn't that happy with how he turned out in that photo, I chose this one to post where he's a little fuzzy. Man, way to hold your shit together, Leslie.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser