full tilt


What a sweetie, eh? We got home from Los Angeles today and proceeded to unpack, prep for dinner, run a few errands and nap before taking our pups to the dog park. Memphis kinda hates the dog park -- which is pretty weird. She gets super nervous and starts foaming at the mouth, and then goes to greet all the new people who, understandably, are a bit gun shy about the foaming-mouth dog. Then she shakes her head, is covered in drool and mopes in the dirt.Merlin, however, is happy as a clam. He runs and runs and barks and barks and barks and chases and sniffs and pees and just couldn't be more thrilled. So that's why we went -- the guilt from leaving for the weekend made us do it.Also, today is the last day I have with the beloved tilt-shift lens, so I wanted to shoot with it even though I'm sure you are tiring of the excessive blurring of my photos. Don't worry, things will be back to normal tomorrow...