

Well, I bet you didn't expect to find me at Lady Gaga, now did you? Heh, trust me, I was just as surprised as you are. Jamie scored some tickets through work, so we thought we'd check it out. And since the tickets said "NO CAMERAS ALLOWED," I snuck in a point and shoot, only to learn that those were just fine and totally allowed.So just for the record, many of you ask me (a lot) what kind of point and shoot is the best. I haven't researched this in awhile, but I did last week, and I borrowed this Canon S90 to test out at the show. While it's not as sharp as my dynamite Nikon D700, it's pretty great for a point and shoot. And a little birdie told me that they're about to come out with the Canon S95, so you might want to hold off a few weeks before buying one. But I would like to point out that I shot this using the manual controls, and if you are ever shooting a concert, please do us all a huge favor and turn off your flash. A) Your photos will be better and B) other photographers might stop mocking you.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser