gold medal flour


Today I got a tilt-shift lens! Well, haha, not really mine, per se. Just mine for the next five days until I have to return it. But still! I have faked tilt-shifting with photoshop and my iphone apps etc, etc, but now I get to play with the real deal! Very exciting for us photographer types.Which reminds me... all you non-photographer types might not know what in the world I'm talking about. A tilt-shift lens tilts the plane of focus in the lens so the blurry parts of the photo aren't necessarily due to the normal depths of field. It's complicated. Just know that I love the effect, and I can't wait to travel with this puppy. (Altho she is pretty heavy.) (And yes, my lenses are "shes.")Anyway, I took a lunch break at work today and meandered down to the Guthrie to play with the new lens and test it all out. Hopefully you'll see different uses of it in the next few days... on the BEACH. Yup, heading to California tomorrow. Sunny and 79. Cannot wait.