golden years


I had a shoot this afternoon with a client that wanted some portraits of her and her mother. Wait. Is that right? She and her mother? Her mother and she? These are things that my own grandmother would surely correct me on... which always makes me question it. You know what? I'll just wait for one of her sons to post a comment with the correct answer. A little audience participation, if you will. ;)Anyway, we had this shoot today in the park (this is one of the outtakes), and her mother was so delightful. And she was all dressed up and had her hair and makeup just right. Something about seeing older women dressed up with the perfect lipstick always makes me happy. Aaaand, this was about all I did all day. The shoot only lasted about 45 minutes, but the rest of the day was spent cleaning and working and catching up on bad TV. Honestly? It was a pretty perfect Sunday.RANDOM NOTE: So hey, did y'all catch Mad Men tonight? That's one of my favorite shows and Oh My! That was about as good as the lawnmower episode! If you don't watch, you should. Seriously witty writing on that program.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser