goodbye krakow


This morning we got up early and set out for some souvenir shopping. I really loved Krakow -- it was surprisingly charming with finds around every corner. But alas, around 1 pm we began our trek to the bus station. We got there early, so we went next door to explore... the shopping mall. Oh my, it was like walking back into America. OMD was playing over the loudspeakers and there was even a Claire's (and a McDonald's, Starbucks and Burger King). We found a deli and got some fruit, nuts and meat for the bus trip, and then we were off!The bus ride was long, but gorgeous, and we arrived in Budapest around 10 pm, found the subway, figured out tickets and found our way to the apartment we rented. Whew! Of note so far? $100 in U.S. currency is $25,000 in Hungarian currency (roughly). Dude, you should see how big the dollar bills are ($10,000 and $20,000 bills, anyone?).Also? Budapest is way, way bigger than the other cities we've visited. Or at least it feels that way so far.The photo above was just a random woman feeding the pigeons this morning in Krakow. I don't have any more for a set (boo! hiss!), but here's one I captured on Instagram of the Polish countryside today, in case you missed it.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser