

Yeah, the look on this pup's face? That's about how I felt all day. Just a little pissed.I woke up around 4 am, and could not get back to sleep (I *hate* that), then finally decided to take a shower to try and relax. But the shower went cold (shaving with goosebumps? not so great). Then I got to work, and essentially every single thing that ever really annoys me about my workplace all happened within about the first 2 hours of the day. Rock'n'roll!But luckily, it didn't decline any further from there. And by the time I made my grand escape around six and joined friends at a restaurant for dinner and sangria (thank God for that sangria), I was in a better place. And then after that my man surprised me with ice cream. He wins the award for greatest husband ever. Fingers crossed that tomorrow is better though, huh?