happy hour + a new pup!


What a fun night! We met up with a gazillion other folks at a "music industry happy hour" over at Icehouse, and it was so good to see so many great friends and catch up when we had time to talk and not, you know, just the time allowed between bands. Lucky for me, it looks like I'm going to see a million of these folks again tomorrow night at the Wiping Out Thousands show at the Entry (super excited!). And? You'll get some more rock'n'roll images. I know I've been a touch lax on the rock-show photos of late, but I keep having these early morning shoots and doing both is too tough on this old broad. I'll make up for it this weekend though, I promise.In the meantime, this photo is of Meredith and her brand new dog, Shorty. She adopted him this week and he's very sweet and very adorable with his one perked ear and very enamored by my tequila. Or at least he was tonight. Don't worry, I kept him out of it... but should I ever do a formal photo shoot with this dog, I'm opening up the liquor cabinet. ;)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser