happy record store day!


Today is like a High Holiday for the Plessers. We looooove Record Store Day, and we usually visit 2-3 shops and pick up a few items at each just to support the local stores and the community. Today we started at Treehouse Records (as seen above) where I picked up the new Metz on vinyl and the special Titus Andronicus RSD release. It was PACKED in that tiny store. I loved it!

Next we mosied over to the Electric Fetus where I looked endlessly for the new Chvrches EP (couldn't find it) as well as the new Telekenises on vinyl, which looked to be sold out. Ah well, just more affirmation to support these stores 365 days a year. But while we were there we got some delicious Intelligentsia coffee, an amazing Nate Dog with carmelized onions and spicy mustard (yum!) and we got to see the Black Angels put on a free show. See? WE LOVE THIS DAY.

Also? It was 40 degrees and sunny today, which means we saw people in SHORTS and a SIDEWALK SALE and someone in their convertable with the TOP DOWN. Ha! That's how cold it's been -- we celebrate 40-degree days in shorts!

Tonight we're following up with a party at Aesthetic Apparatus for their scratch'n'dent sale (as if I need more screen prints in my life...) and then finally to watch The Evening Rig's last performance. Yes. You read that right. One of my favorite local bands is "going on hiatus," and I will be there taking photos and crying in my beerwater over it. So sad.