

Tonight we headed over to the Howler CD release show at the Triple Rock. Howler is this local band that not many people had heard of 6 months ago, but apparently they are all the rage over in Europe, and so they started getting more radio play here. And they *are* good. I don't mean to discount that by the "over in Europe" comment, it was just weird to have a local band blowing up overseas and be kind of unknown around their hometown.Part of that, it turns out, is because they are very young kids (I doubt they are even 21) and they are from the suburbs (or at least the lead singer is). The average age in the crowd was mixed because while I was surrounded by 18-20 year olds up front, a lot of the band members' parents came to the show, evening things out a bit.Anyway, they didn't go on until after 11:30, and because apparently I'm getting old (or I can't sleep because I keep thinking of stuff I should be doing for my class), I could barely keep my eyes open and was thrilled that their set was only 30 minutes. And yup, that's two shows this week that didn't even last an hourOh! And the dude in the headband? Yeah, he was in that shot two days ago that I posted. I had no idea he was in both bands.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser