i got plans


I have big ideas. Do you know that about me? You should. I'm very much of the "go big or go home" variety. Because of this, I've been looking into remodeling our basement so that it is, in fact, finished to my satisfaction (which does not include fake wood paneling glued to the foundation walls, as we currently have). This plan would provide a great studio space for my photo clients (with a laundry room on the side). And it would add a shower to the basement bathroom so that when guests visit, we can be more flexible with the bathing schedules.I'm gonna be honest here, this is probably going to be way more money than I really want to spend (because when someone says $1000 for flooring, I tend to think "That's airfare to Europe!"). But it's something that we are weighing, and we're relishing this part because this is the fun part. The dreaming. The thinking big. The actual doing? I'm imagining that is not the most fun part.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser