i really, really like it here


So you guys, I like Asheville a LOT. It reminds me of a bigger Lawrence and a smaller Minneapolis. It has fantastic coffee shops, amazing restaurants, stellar scenery... and the SHOPPING. Omg*, the shopping.Today we spent the day wandering around downtown eating amazing meals and spending money on shoes, dresses and jewelry. You know what Jamie said tonight when I asked him his favorite part of the day? "Watching you find all that cool stuff while we shopped." LADIES, I HAVE A WINNER.My favorite store, by far, was this place called Hip Replacements. I bought a pair of gloves, two dresses and a bracelet for myself (and some gifts for others that I won't mention here). The prices were perfect and the merchandise was amazing. Some of my favorites included jewelry by Amber Hatchett Designs, which is brass jewelry made out of old BULLETS. But in a cool way (of course) as you can see above. Also, do you love how the jewelry reflects guns and God? Two of the 3 major themes we have found while on the road (more on that later) . Anyway, this shop was so much fun -- you should check out their website and visit when in town. Amazing stuff. And wait until you see my new dresses.Then tonight we went to a French bistro where I had mussels and Jamie had an amazing steak. Then, um, to the bars for some red wine.Overall, another great vacation day. Tomorrow we drive back to Nashville. but I am not sure it will be as scenic as the drive here as we are taking the interstate instead of cutting through the national park.*Is this my first use of Omg on my blog? I blame the wine. Seriously good wine tonight.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser