it's snowing in this photo


We woke up this morning and there was snow everywhere. SNOW. And you know what? I'm still fighting allergies. And it's snowing. WHAT KIND OF CRUEL JOKE IS THIS?But... it was very pretty snow, and I didn't have to shovel. So I'm not gonna complain too much about it.I left the house early because I thought I could shoot photos of some dogs playing in the snow down near the lake. But when I got to the lake, the flakes changed from big, cotton-ball flakes to teeny tiny flakes that were almost rain. So in this photo you can't really tell that it's snowing on the water... you'll just have to trust me on this one.The lakes were full of geese and ducks and man, were they all confused. But it was super quiet out and very peaceful. And by noon, it was all gone.