itsy bitsy spider


Man, today was ... sticky. The high was 104 (I have no idea if it reached that), but the heat wasn't nearly as troublesome as the humidity. I dare say this was worse than a summer day in Miami. And we all know how much I enjoyed THOSE days. Blech.Anyway, regardless of the temperature, I got to see Julie today! She's back in town for a stint, and we met up at the farmer's market for brunch and iced coffee and gossip and SWEAT. Man, was it gross out. After that, I came home and took a long nap in the cool basement and then sat like a zombie in front of the television. Yes, I could have done errands or housework or a million other things, but with this weather it all felt pretty pointless.I did wander out to the front yard garden for about 10 minutes in an effort to capture the its growth, since it has been one full year since the lovely Nan and Mason planted everything for us. But my lens kept fogging up and I just couldn't get inspired... until I was heading in and spotted this little guy on one of my succulents. I wonder if and how the insects feel the heat?