

So, you may remember last year on Jan. 3 (2011) when I saw the 4ontheFloor play with the Evening Rig at the Triple Rock. That was the first time I'd seen them (not the Evening Rig -- been catching those guys for a long time). Tonight, about fifteen months later, these two played again -- except they sold out First Avenue. For you out-of-towners, last year there were roughly 30 people at the show. This year? 1,500. Pretty impressive, eh?And man, did the 4ontheFloor bring it. They had a wall of lights behind them (like they're U2 or something!) and side lights and smoke machines. I'm not even kidding when I say confetti canons and pyrotechnics would not have surprised me. And they nailed their performance. NAILED IT. And the crowd? They knew every single word to every single song. All the way in the back up in the balcony, I'd walk by a group dancing in the corner, shouting the lyrics. I am so damn proud of these boys. What a fun evening.Of course I took a ton of photos, but I'm too tired to post at the moment. I'll get them up soon though, I promise. The photos are posted here. Enjoy!