last night in town


Well, here it is. Our final night in Barcelona. I wish I could tell you that we arrived at 3 pm and have been out partying and we're heading back out to celebrate after I log this post. But sadly, we're crawling into bed early. This head cold is really too much to fight, and I have a lot to get done when I return to town, so I don't want to make it any worse. Plus, I'm in such a cold-medicine-induced-haze, I'm not getting much out of the city right now, anyway.So what DID we do if not paint the town red, you ask? We did a little shopping for a few souvenirs, and then finally hit up El Xampanyet for Tapas. Our book had said it was a must-do, and my buddy @formica_dinette (Nicky) had suggested it as well. So we ended the evening with Cava and tapas. The trick to this was, however, we let the waiter choose our food. So, um, we have no idea what all we ate. I *think* it was ham on bread (delish), pickled tomatoes (delish), some sort of egg bake with creamy cheese on toast (pretty solid), salamis (good), raw fish (would not touch), cheese (yum!) and pretzels covered in some sort of pork. I'm not sure it was cooked. It was white. But Jamie loved it (I did not mention I thought it might be raw until he had finished the last bite). It was super fun and a very authentic experience. Overall, I'm not *too* ashamed of how tonight ended, and I bet I will be thanking myself in the morning.And speaking of tomorrow (ahem). Right now we are scheduled to wake up at midnight CST, so we can get to the airport on time. We are also scheduled to arrive in Minneapolis around 6 pm (so that would be roughly 18 hours of travel) and then meet Julie for drinks for her last night in Minneapolis before we head to the Deer Tick concert. So place your bets now on what we get done tomorrow. I will say this, should I accomplish all of that while not being able to breathe through my nose due to this cold, my blog post will be late. Something has to give.See you all back in Minnesota. Where it's snowing. *sob*

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser