like butter


Well, today was certainly a bit insane. First, I had oral surgery.

Then, a roofer had to come over and steam all the ice from our house.

Next, we headed out to First Avenue to see the Electric Fetus benefit show. And finally, we stopped in *very briefly* to catch ELnO, the famed local ELO cover band. Oh... and... my new camera arrived! Which is very exciting :)

This shot was some of the gear from the Fetus show at the Entry. I thought about using a performer, but hey, I did that yesterday. You can see more shots (including performers) right here. Except that last shot in the bunch isn't from First Ave. That's Jeff, whom we hung out with a ton at the Chizbacher wedding last summer, and whom we were quite fond of. And now that I've seen him in short shorts and that t-shirt! Playing with ELnO? What a guy. And yes. That's a wig. Oh, and I just realized you can't see the short shorts in the frame. You're just gonna have to trust me on that one.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser