

Oh man, do I love women that rock out on stage. This is Lissie, and she blew me away tonight. I have her album, and frankly, I think it's decent. Nothing amazing, but you know, solid. But live? Live this whole thing comes to life, and it's so wonderful and powerful. As my friend Eric would say, she doesn't just play her music -- she performs it. And it was a blast to witness.After Lissie's show at the Cedar, I walked down the block to Palmers to catch 4onthefloor and The Evening Rig. Have I mentioned yet that it's a little cold here? You know... you might say it's nippy out. It's FIFTEEN DEGREES BELOW ZERO. I call that face melting cold. Man, walking from the house to the car is questionable at this point. But inside Palmers? With everyone singing and dancing to another fantastic 4onthefloor performance? It must have been 80 degrees and sweaty. Nights like tonight are why I love living in Minneapolis. And if I can say that in January, you know it's true.*I have way more photos to post, and I'll jump on that first thing in the morning. For now? Sleep.UPDATE: Photos are up over here!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser