look who's one


Look at this cutie! You've seen her before -- just from a different angle. I started the day off early with this 8 am shoot before heading home to pick up The Man so we could head to Ikea for supplies. We then continued on the exciting Sunday ritual of cleaning the house, going to the grocery store and doing laundry. Boring adult stuff, but it has to get done.But then we got to have taco night with Eric and Betz and Meredith! No, Betz hasn't had the baby yet. Yes, she was due about 13 days ago. Yes, they are kinda frustrated. No, my tacos (sadly) didn't force that baby out... that I know of.And after the amazing dinner (and cupcakes! Eric & Betz always brings delicious cupcakes!) I ran over to the Cedar to catch Tuneyards with Meredith. Super interesting and entertaining. You can see those photos here.