

Say it with me: Men-ahm-en-ah! That's who was playing a the Varsity tonight, and what a fun surprise! I have been listening to this album on-and-off for about a month at my desk, and it's a solid album, but nothing that I thought would be too exciting live. Tonight when I finally got to the show (after an ah-maaaaaazingly long -- yet educational -- day operating on four hours sleep) I expected to stay and shoot about three songs before coming home and collapsing into bed. Instead I stayed for the entire set! The band was much more powerful live than I was expecting. One of my favorite things was that they had pushed the drummer to the front of the stage, and man could he wail. I'll be posting more photos from this show on Friday afternoon. After I catch up on my sleep.*Note of something else exciting today that is not represented photographically: Tonight I also had a design... class? presentation? schooling?... over at Zeus Jones with Mr. Brad Surcey. He's about to give this seminar at design camp next week, and he wanted to do a run-through to test the timing and work out any kinks in his workshop. And what a great presentation! It made me want to run away from my day job and start designing packaging (which is something I've always wanted to get my hands into). But alas. I then made it out to the show and realized that my day job is pretty rockin', too. So no complaining here... the inner-package-designer in me will have to wait a bit.Update: The photos are up over here.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser