mexican tacos


So when Jamie and I went to Mexico last month, we kept raving and raving about the amazing tacos we had on the beach there. Truly, they were remarkable.And in the weeks after our return, I started out trying to mimic the recipe. I have gotten pretty close. They are still not quite as amazing as the real deal, but I'm thinking that has more to do with the scenery and lack of outside responsibilities that add to the flavor, not my adaptation. And then somebody keeps nagging me to post the recipe.So today I ran home from work and had about 15 minutes to eat before running back out, and Jamie had made a quick version of the tacos and had them waiting for me. So I took 5 of my 15 minutes, and shot these photos for you :) And here is how you, too, can make wonderful, authentic Mexican Tacos. Note: In some instances I have given you the "authentic" recipe and then the "time saver" recipe.TORTILLAS:I have grown to prefer corn, but Jamie loves flour, so just pick what you like. Authentic: Put 2 tablespoons of oil in a hot frying pan and brown both sides of the tortilla to warm/crispen it before eating. Time saver: Just pop them in the toaster oven to soften them up a bit.FILLING:Chop up 1/2 large onion and saute in a frying pan with 1 tbsp olive oil. Saute on low/medium heat and be patient! As the onion starts to get soft, add in 3 cloves minced garlic and 1/2 can of drained black beans. Stir. Be patient. After about five minutes, sprinkle in some cumin to taste and some cooked shredded chicken (we get ours off of a rotisserie bird from the store). Stir. Be patient. Wait for these onions to get nice and brown and sweet. The more carmelized the better. Once they are there, your filling is done. There is no time saver here, just trust me it's worth the wait.GUACAMOLE:For authentic guac, this is my recipe. Scoop out three large, ripe avocados into a medium sized bowl. Mash with a fork, then squeeze fresh lime (or lemon) juice on. This keeps the guac greener longer. Add: One finely diced small onion, one large roma tomato diced, 3 minced garlic cloves, 1/4 of a jalapeno finely diced, handful of fresh chopped cilantro and salt to taste. Spoon the guacamole over the filling inside the tortilla. Time saver: Instead of guacamole, slice some avocado and place on top of chicken/bean filling, then drizzle with your favorite salsa, a squeeze of lime and some fresh cilantro.And that's it! No cheese. Yes, it would be tasty. No, it's not how they do it. It doesn't look half as good as it tastes, but trust me it's delicious!