mixed blood majority


Busy, busy, busy! Today we cleaned the house from top to bottom (as in, the kind of cleaning where you address the insides of the trash cans, scrubbed the kitchen cabinets and created an enormous pile for goodwill) before having our amazing friends Chris and Alby over for a delicious dinner. We asked them to bring dessert, and they showed up with homemade apple crisp and HOMEMADE BOURBON CUSTARD. Yes, these are my friends. Wow, was that ice cream amazing.Then after our fabulous buddies left, we cleaned the kitchen and headed over to see Mixed Blood Majority play at Icehouse. This was their first show (I think? Pretty sure?), and they had a great crowd. The band consists of Lazerbeak from Doomtree (whom I adore), Alexei Casselle (aka Crescent Moon aka the guy who will be playing my art opening that you are all coming to RIGHT?) and Joe Horton who I am not super familiar with but have heard many fantastic things about. Needless to say the music was great. Also, needless to say, we were kinda dead on our feet after the day of activity (did I mention I also had a photo session in there? Where we went on a hike?), and so we caught about the first half of the show before crawling back home and into our warm beds. If you'd like to see a few more shots of the performance, they are up over here.So far, this weekend has been amazing. And do you know what I get to see tomorrow? FREAKING MADONNA. So, so excited.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser