monday with magda


I used to have a really hard time leaving home in the morning and heading into the office -- especially if the dogs were all lovey and snuggly. They inevitably would give me looks of deep sorrow as I closed the door behind me, and I would feel a pang of guilt at leaving them for so long while I worked to put a roof over their heads.Listen up people, that right there is a load of crap. You know why? Because now that I *am* home with the pups all day long, do you know what they do? They stay in the basement and sleep -- two floors below me. I came down to check on them six times today because I was sure (SURE!) that they were playing or getting into some sort of trouble without me there. Nope. Just sleeping. I also thought they might want a belly rub, but even those were met with bored sighs.So I had to WAKE Magda UP for this photo. And what's she doing here? Yawning. Because her life is so exhausting. Uh huh.For all of you who have to leave your pets at home and head into the office each day, trust me, you are missing nothing. They are just fine.