mondays with ... merlin


I know, I know. It's only two weeks in and I'm breaking the rules! But Magda was a PILL today, and I ran her photo yesterday, and Merlin here was so sweet and loving that I thought I'd give him a chance at "stardom" on this Monday.

First off, let's discuss the Viszla. Before leaving for work today she had been for a walk, dragged rugs throughout the house (to rooms they didn't belong in), terrorized poor Merlin, eaten giant holes in large rubber balls (solid rubber) and broken an antique mirror. Kinda unfortunate that now she'll have bad luck for at least half of her life, eh?

Then I got home from work when she tried to eat my lunch, pulled dirty dishes off of the counter, ate part of a table cloth, knocked over a bunch of books from a shelf to the floor, knocked over a plant getting dirt everywhere and disembowled several stuffed animals throughout the house. Seriously. I am so tired, I do not know how parents of small boys do this. At least I can lock her up in her crate and leave for a bit.

I know it's just puppyhood, but man, those obedience classes that start tomorrow? They cannot come fast enough. And I should also say that she has been VERY good all week long and that I realize these bad days are to be expected.

Now, Merlin here? He's been a star today. We had a nice, long walk this morning where he was off-leash the whole time. Every time I've entered the room today he has stood wagging his tail (all flirty like) and he's been leaning into me for affection all day. At least it's a nice balance to his sister. Also? When I took this photo? A poodle walked right in front of the house, and while he did bark, he didn't move because I had told him to stay. This is why he gets on the blog today. Superstar.