morning light


Now that it's autumn, the morning light is... um... pretty dark. Which makes it so hard to get out of bed, am I right? But today it was just getting light out and I noticed how nice it was over near the plants.I planted these succulents in my pots outside in the spring, figuring it's Minnesota and succulents weren't made for this and I probably just blew $60 but I liked them and they were pretty so whatever. And they thrived! And do you know what? I watered them like twice all summer! Now THESE are plants I can get on board with!So as our nightly temperatures started dropping into the 30s, I couldn't bear the thought of losing them, and I brought them inside. I really don't have a great spot in the house for them (still trying to figure that out), but I like them too much to let die. Plus? Photo subjects for the dull winter days! Yay!The other big news around these parts is that I am on vacation from the Star Tribune until November 1. Halle-freaking-lujah. Now, all these other weeks that I've taken off from the paper I have stayed home and worked 50-70 hours on Shuttersmack The Business. NOT THIS WEEK. I'm actually taking a vacation. And all the photos I take? They will be for ME. I cannot wait, people. So stick around. It's about to get interesting (come Monday).

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser