

After work tonight, Jamie and I ran over to Best Buy to pick up some Jawbone Ups. We've been pondering this for awhile, thinking of Fitbits and such, and I finally read such good reviews about the Up, that I decided to give it a shot. For those of you that don't know what it is, it's a bracelet that you wear all day and night and it measures how many steps you take, how active you are and how you sleep. It tracks your deep sleep, light sleep and how many times you wake up a night, as well as little things like vibrations to alert you when you've been sitting still for too long or the such. In other words, it's motivation to keep you active. We'll see how it goes.While I'm sure it will be much more motivating to move and walk more (which is awesome), personally I'm most interested in my sleep patterns. I wake up a lot at night with really graphic nightmares, and I'm curious how this thing tracks my sleep. How gruesome you ask? Last night I was being held down on a street corner in broad daylight while someone used a scalpel to dismemeber me hand by hand, then my feet and then they were cutting into my torso when I gathered the strength to try to wrestle the blade out of their hands with my mouth, which was getting shredded in the process and I could taste my own blood.Oh, I'm sorry. Is that too gruesome for breakfast? Yeah. I've been dealing with such nightmares my whole life, and this little device also tracks how well you sleep and compares it to locations and weather, so I'm highly interested.As for my internet share for the day, I'm going to send you over to NPR which is doing a "First Listen" on an artist I love named Telekenisis. The start of the album is a touch shakey, so please don't turn it off until you hit 1:15. That's when the power kicks in and everything gets happy :). It's the best I can do to erase that nightmare above from your memory (and mine).