mozza mia


Tonight was my monthly dinner date with dear Nyberg, and we opted to stay in the neighborhood and do something easy since I've been fighting migraines this week. There's a new spot up the street called Mozza Mia that makes their own fresh mozzarella and it just opened last month. It had gotten some luke warm reviews locally, but man, it was so much better than I had anticipated!We started out with the tuna and white bean salad on bruschetta (that could have been dinner alone) and then moved onto the margharita pizza. Both were easy and delicious, and the prices weren't bad either. I'll be returning to this place for sure -- especially since it's so close. Plus? Great for all my vegetarian friends.* This photo is of the bottle of sparkling water that I got with dinner. Nyberg said they had good beer, but with my headaches I opted for just water. So boring, I know.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser