mr. andrew bird


Tonight I caught Andrew Bird playing at First Avenue. I was pretty curious about this show because I've only seen him play in theaters and large churches before, so I thought maybe this show would be a little more upbeat in a grungy rock club. Meh. Not really.Don't get me wrong, he is still a fantastic performer and an outstanding musician. We all just know how I like my shows to ... um... rock a little more. That sounds cheezy, but at this hour I can't think of a better way to say it. Deal. Regardless, you can see the rest of the photos over here.You know what else stands out about today? My buddy Mandy created this holiday card with *hilarious* photos of my friends Mere, Jay, Leslie and Eric (and Mandy, herself). I'm sharing this because you, too, can humiliate your own friends and family in such a manner. Just follow the instructions on the right.Wait. One more thing I meant to say: While Mr. Bird might not rock out on stage, what a dapper dresser, eh? He always looks sharp, and I think the lining on that jacket is a supreme example. And there you have it, a sartorial moment from First Avenue. Soak it up, people.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser