mr. rabbit


Well, today I learned that I need to work harder at getting good photos of curry dishes. Because tonight we made a fantastic homemade shrimp and red curry dinner, and I took my bowl down to the studio where I had lights and props and everything set up so that I could get a good shot... and... yeah. That photo up there? That's not what I had for dinner.The thing about curry is it makes everything in the bowl the same color as the curry. So it all just looked... red orange. And it didn't look nearly as good as it tasted. And now I'm convinced that photos of curry that show lovely white cauliflower and red peppers and bright green herbs must not have *cooked* those ingredients in with the curry. And I'm only willing to stage my dinner so far, folks. I mean, I want it to taste good...So, you get Mr. Rabbit instead. This guy has been camping out at our neighbor's house every fall and spring for the last 3 years. That must be a warm part of the wall in her house, because he's always in the exact same spot. And it's only about 15 feet from our back door, and our dogs have never indicated that they are aware of this rabbit's presence.Do you know what that tells me? That my dogs would die in the woods if left to their own devices. What in the world happened to that hunting instinct?!It must have disappeared the minute I held out a spoon with peanut butter on it.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser