my boy


Look at this handsome boy! If only you understood his fear of docks and lakes, you might appreciate this image even more! Last year Merlin accidentally fell into a lake off of a dock like this, and let me tell you, this boy? This boy right here? He *hates* getting wet. The fear in his eyes as he was fully submerged for the first (and probably last) time of his life? That was priceless.So tonight after work, the whole family went to Lake Harriet for a nice walk in this stunning weather we're having. After about 40 minutes of hearing Merlin bark at other dogs (seriously dude? GIVE IT A REST.), I decided he needed to earn his keep and pose for me on the dock. He was so over-stimulated by the people/dogs that he trotted right out to the dock. And then froze in his tracks and *very slowly* turned around. He was so nervous that he became very obedient, stopped barking and laid down and stayed while I shot images with tons of dogs walking behind me. Had I really been trusting, I would have taken off his leash for a better shot. But this one is good enough.The light and the flowering trees down at the lake were so gorgeous tonight that I took a bunch of family shots. Well... everyone but me. Anyway, if you want to see my loved ones goofing off in the wonderful spring weather, look here. Aren't they cute!?