nice purse


Tonight we headed over to 7th St. Entry to catch Dom, a band that I had on my list of acts to catch last April, but that was scheduled after a long run of other shows (and I was sick), so I skipped. In all fairness (and in defense of me not being a wimp) that week I saw Black Joe Lewis, Those Darlins, Titus Andronicus with Bright Eyes two nights in a row and then Joy Formidable. So see? I love this town. All of that amazing music in just four days! And you can see why I was worn out by the time Dom rolled into town. But I digress...We were excited to see them tonight, and were absolutely delighted when we entered the club to find the opener, Nice Purse (above), covered face paint, halfway disrobed, with a stage full of balloons, piñatas and birthday cakes and some of the band members wearing party hats. And these were kids. Literally (had the Xs on the hands to prove it). But they had a blast on stage and it was infectious.And then Dom came on, and the lead singer was surly and complaining about the sound and they were skipping songs in their setlist (which was right in front of me, so I could keep track) and then finished after only TWENTY FIVE MINUTES of playing. Yeah, don't waste your money on these guys.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser