

You ever have those days where you're driving all over and having meetings, but feel like you're not getting any actual work done? That was today. For reference, I live in SW Minneapolis. All of my meetings today were in NE Minneapolis. And they weren't all booked together, so there was a lot of driving back and forth (so sorry Mother Earth). But the good news is that all my meetings were fun and productive, and I'll count that as a win.This shot was taken outside the Rivets & Roses studio as I was on my way back to my car. I love seeing the varied graffiti on train cars. I know some people see it as vandalism or something, but I always appreciate the typography and color that goes into it. I really do see it as an art form.The other point of note today is that Adam Yauch passed away. Yauch, or as I knew him growing up, MCA, was one of the three Beastie Boys. The Beasties were one of my very favorite bands (still in the top 10, for sure) -- and one of the first cassette tapes that I had to hide from my parents (in the 6th grade). As they matured, so did I, and I followed them for years and years. They were the soundtrack to "makeout rooms" in Jr. High as well as dance parties in college. I even went as one of the Beasties for Halloween one year...I saw them live a few times, but always at a very large arena show, and never at the First Ave of whatever city I was in. These albums were my "gateway drug" into hip hop, and I fully credit them for my current appreciation of Doomtree, Astronautalis and the likes. Many musicians have died in my lifetime, but only 2 celebrity deaths have actually brought tears to my eyes, and both have been recent (Yauch and Steve Jobs). I encourage everyone to look up their favorite Beastie track (Sabotage? Paul Revere? Fight for Your Right to Party? Intergallactic?) and really appreciate the talent that left us today.