oh, that feeling


Today was so, so good. We started with CHVRCHES, who were really good, and met up with a ton of friends (some of whom we only get to see each year down here) and then on our way back to the hotel before dinner, we decided on the fly to stop into two clubs to check out bands we'd heard good things about. And they both just blew us away, they were so good.The first one was Metz, who I had tickets to in Minneapolis months ago, but couldn't make due to... exhaustion? I can't remember. Holy moly, was that a fun band to see live. Then we stopped to see Diarreah Planet. Yes, that is their name. Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, we wanted to see them anyway because Titus Andronicus had covered one of their songs in Minneapolis last fall and it sounded great. And you know what? They might be one of my new favorite bands to see live. And here I am, a grown woman, telling people around Austin that they should really go and catch Diarrhea Planet. At least I didn't get the t-shirt, eh? But look at that photo up there! HOW FUN!Ok, for more photos from today (including some more amazing shots from the DP show), look here. Enjoy!